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Matthew Lasley
My Books

Pedro's Pan: A Gold Rush Story
Pan is not just any kind of a pan, he is a gold pan. But after numerous failures of finding gold, Pan begins to doubt that he is good at his job and worries about letting down his friend Pedro. No matter how hard he tries, Pan can't seem to find the gold.
Be a part of the sometimes humorous adventures of Pedro and Pan as they search for gold and purpose in the wilderness of Alaska.

Max & Ed: A Gold Rush Story
Max has been abandoned. He's a bike and there is little use for him in the winter, so he collects dust in the corner of a store. When rumors of gold being found on the coast near Nome has reached Dawson City, Ed is determined to beat the stampede. Only one thing stands in his way; 900 miles of ice, snow and wilderness. Ed wonders if he and Max can make the journey. Max worries he will be abandoned along the way. After all, bikes aren't made for the snow.
Join these two friends on an impossible journey that they could only make together.
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